About me

My name is Markus Holmström and I study Game Programming at Futuregames. Creating video games is a great passion of mine and I am looking for an internship, preferably as a gameplay programmer.

Hexagon Mapping - Personal Project, Unreal 4 C++

A map generating system of hexagons with random patterns. I have designed a LCG PRNG for these patterns. This also has a sort of A* pathfinding, but it looks for the Birdpath firstly, a step by step search of least resistance, if this doesnt work, it checks paths via an A* pathfinding system.

Movr - School Project, Unity C#

Trailer for multitasking driving game. I created and maintained the car movement and also smaller functionalities in the car.

Slinging Slimes - School Project, UE5 C++ 

This is a local multiplayer game where the players are slimy balls and have slingshots as weapons. The Pick up, power up and respawn system was created by me. 

WeaponSystem - Personal Project, UE4 C++

A weapon system for FPS-kind of games. The player can pick up and drop weapons. The flamethrower, shown in this video, throws out fire particles that spread on some objects (the green cubes) and make others glow (the metallic cubes).

Creed of War - Personal Project, Unity C#

A long gameplay video showing content from a self designed strategy game, a mix of chess and how units/war work in the Civilization franchise. (no audio)

Anomaly 52 - School Project, UE4 C++

First person puzzle solving game where the player needs to get keys to generators in order to escape a simulation. I made how the pick up system works and how the player handles the keys.